When P M Narendra Modi spoke on 14th of October on the Dadri/ Bisahda incidence, more than after a fortnight and said such incidents including cancellation of Ghulam Ali's concert were undesirable, saddening and unfortunate, his critics condemned it as too late and soft. P M said B J P didn't support such happenings. However he said Central Govt. had nothing to do with the incidents and by levelling accusations at his door the opposition was trying to polarize the polity.
While PM's speaking on the issue at last is relieving, I find objections of his detractors valid when they say P M's reaction is weak, mild and late. PM is also not off the mark when he says that Dadri like incidences are being used to corner him. The vicious debate that is going around cow and beef makes me feel as if there are no seculars in the country ,there are only pro Hindu or pro Muslim people. Some people are very insistent upon stressing that eating beef is not a crime . It is implicit in such an argument that whosoever wants, can take beef. They don't care how much explosive this issue may become(actually it has already become) and endanger the social harmony. My better half has done research work on communal politics during British Period and her research work shows that cow and beef issue have been a major cause and source of many Hindu-Muslim riots during British rule. People should learn from Mughal rulers who were well aware of the issue and most of them had banned cow slaughter to keep social harmony intact and avoid communal rift in the society.It is sad that today's politicians and even so called intellectuals who have been advocating beef, can't understand this fact. There are people and always will be who insist that cow is mother like for them, it is a matter of religion and they won't hesitate to go any extent to save her.
P M is under continuous scrutiny due to 2002 Gujarat riots which happened during his Chief Ministership of the Gujarat state. Since then he has been painted as a vllain and demonized by his opponents. They are hell bent upon keeping him on tenterhooks.They are not expected to allow a let up in their efforts. P M Modi's any faltering or slackness is an opportunity for them.
In the above context I would like to make a reference regarding Rajiv Gandhi who came to power with immense goodwill of the people. But he faltered while finding a solution for the Shah banoo case. He overrode court judgement and passed a legislation to undo steps taken by the court to mitigate miseries of divorced are separated Muslim women. Since then the downward slide for him began.
So it is P M Modi who has to take precaution and not give anyone an opportunity to cast aspersions on his performance as P M of this country. He should remember words of former P M A. B. Bajpayi who advised him to follow Rajdharma. As the P M himself has said so many times, maintaining sanctity of the Constitution of India is most important task for him. When any incidence takes place which attacks the very tenets or spirit of this constitution, he should be vocal in condemning it and announcing as well as initiating tough measures to control the damage immediately. He should not leave this job to his deputies or even President. People want to listen him as he is virtual head of the executive and President is only a figurehead. It will be reassuring for the people and deprive his adversaries of an opportunity to strike upon him.
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