Dear Mr.
Wayne May & Alicia May,
I feel very sad for you after coming to know that
you both were troubled a lot after being posted at U.S. Embassy in New
Delhi. "The Holy & Sacred cow" which was referred as "Stupid
cow" by Alicia proved to be most troublesome for you both. In
India you were deprived of devouring them. Just after one week in the country
you were missing the steak. Hearts of you both burnt whenever you saw them in
the middle of the road. You had to give way to those creatures. Probably it was
your indignation which made Alicia to say that she was insulting the cow
neither for the first time nor for the last time. But when Alicia said about
the Indian cows that most of them were bodyline starved , it should have been an
eye opener for the Indians because Alicia was more worried about missing
the steak like her husband and she was not going to do as much to save
them as to save Ms. Sangita Richard's husband and sons. Activist agenda of you
both was limited to helping Sangita Richard's family to immigrate to U.S. and
Indians should have known it. After all there are many who help people
immigrate illegally, may be for a hefty sum but you both were doing it as a charity
even if two greatest democracies of the world came on the verge of a cold war
and even if your country declares India as its strategic partner. After all for
many personal agenda is greater than the national agenda. It is also sad that
you were deprived of real American Hamburgers at New Delhi and ultimately had
to depend on their smuggling inside the embassy in suitcases to pacify your
taste buds. But ultimately you should have sometimes had sparkles in your eyes
when your friends from other embassies brought items like pearls for sale
inside the embassy. You say your dog Paco looked to be in better health than
your gardener as he got more proteins. But Dear Mr. & Mrs. May - doesn't it
mean that you were treating him worse than your dog. As the gardener was taking
care of your house, you both were responsible
for his good being. I fail to understand why you have one set of norms for
Indian Diplomats serving in the U.S. and another set of norms for American
Diplomats serving in India. Goodness! I think of the ordeal you had to go while
drinking the tasteless tea served to you at a mosque. May be the Indians who
served the same to you were feeling grateful that you had their tea & didn’t
reject it.
While referring to a Huffington Post article that non
vegetarians are more likely to be involved in violence & sex crimes (Here I
want to make it clear that I don't subscribe to this idea) Alicia said that a
follow up article should be done on how many vegetarians raped women in India.
You said that in India, vegetarians are raping women and not the non vegetarians.
You told further that it was applicable to Indians only and not to the
westerners. First of all I want to ask you Alicia, if you had gone through profiles of all the rapists
during your stay in India that you came to know that all the rapists were
vegetarians. I'm sure you were talking in the air only and had nothing to
substantiate your statement. For your kind information- many of the Indians are not vegetarians.
Whether vegetarians are not, all the Indians are also not rapists. Rapists
represent a negligible percentage of the Indian population in case you can see vastness of the Indian population and that is true for
your country also ( as per a report regarding U.S., one out of ten women has been raped there). And for sure, you owe an apology to all the Indians for such rubbish, otherwise you are established as a racist beyond any doubt.
I'm sad not only for you both, rather I'm sad for the
Diplomatic corps of U.S. which has persons like you as members & presence
of you people is bound to produce instances of "embarrassing failure of
U.S. international protocol ( in the words of Daniel Arshack, the lawyer of
Devyani Khobragade who became a pawn for you to help out the nanny Sangita
Richards & her family to immigrate to U.S.). "
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